Awesome Game from start to Finish, A must BUY!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Spartan: Total Warrior XBOX
Where to start...well since I picked it up about a week ago I havent put it down. The storyline keeps you in the dark for most of the game and is revealed in time, which made it that much more inticing. The graphics are quite good for when the game was made and are extremely fluid. It did not lag once and considering just how many bots are on the screen that is an amazing feat. Other than that the game is just fun. You get to hack, slash, shoot, push, and use godlike powers to slaughter, and I do mean slaughter hundreds of enemies. Although that is the bread and butter of the game tatics still come into play. Many battles require a well thought-out plan of attack to emerge victorious. This as well as the varying backgrounds and enemies keeps the game interesting.... I was never bored with this game, frustrated at times but definitely not bored. Some people might argue that the game is too short, but I think that it was just long enough. People saying that it was too short just means that they enjoyed it soo much that they want more. I wanted more but I understand that if all games were as long as most of us wanted them to be then most of them would never end. Its just like a good movie series you always want the next one to come out. Like I said it was excellent from start to finish and the story left me satisfied but wanting more. Thats more than I can say for some other games I played. The sound in the game was very crisp and realistic. Weapon effects were right on and despite other reviews that I have read on this game, the music fit the game very well. It never got old or annoying. I couldnt imagine playing the game to any other music it just wouldnt fit. Worth every penny you pay for it. No doubt will be an instant favorite and you will have no problem playing it over on other difficulty levels. Overall an amazing game. No BS about it.