A TON of problems, but fun. Especiely since you can chop of about 150 heads per level. But still, a lot of problems.

User Rating: 6.5 | Spartan: Total Warrior PS2
WHY DOES NO ONE SMILE!?!? I mean,come on, crying and looking angry. Oh and Castor does that after Sejanus kills Pollux. Dang you Sejanus! Actually, thats weird, any other time he can be stabed, blown-up, set on fire, and slashed the crap out of. But when Sejanus stabs him... HE DIES!!! WHAT THE HECK!! I know Sejanus is magic, but, come on. Other then that, it's a good game. But also why must YOU do all the work. YOU, must kill the gigante, YOU, have to kill the hydra, the minatour, the Big Freaking Bone Dragon. YOU, have to kill the priestesses, Crassus, AND Sejanus, TWICE!! Though I really enjoy that, A LOT. YOU even have to pull levers, DO THEY NOT KNOW HOW TO USE A LEVER!!! All you have to do is grab the lever and pull. SIMPLE!!! There is also a unlimeted amount of good guys and bad guys. I rated it at 8.5, but now that I realized all the flaws it goes down to 4.5. OK, thats just mean, so I'll put it at 5.0. But it is good at letting you cut peoples heads off :). Exept carnifexes (the dudes with huge, 2 handed swords) can cut your head off :(. Plus, the assassins, the dudes who have 3 tactics. 1.) wear lots of armor
2.)swing your sword super fast
A.K.A very,very,very,very,very annoying. Well, I'm done complaining, BYE