Hack'n slash in mythical ancient Rome.

User Rating: 8.1 | Spartan: Total Warrior GC
Spartan: Total Warrior is a straightforward hack’n slash action adventure with a setting in ancient Rome, Greece and Sparta.

Story goes that you are a warrior known only as Spartan and you have been chosen by the god of war Aries himself to fight against the whole Roman Empire alongside with your comrades. Pretty big thing aye? On your way you fight against many mythical beasts and other enemies and in the you face the god of war himself in the arena of Colosseum. Don’t expect a history lesson here, but do expect a lot action and entertainment.

Graphics are not good, but it’s forgivable here, because graphical detail has been sacrificed to get a stable frame rate when dozens of characters fight against each other all at once. Environments are big and usually somewhat linear with a few interesting exceptions. This is a good thing, because it allows you to concentrate on the core action: furious hack’n slash. This is made all the better with great sound effects, very strong voice acting and a gigantic musical score. Spartan: Total Warrior is just a joy to listen.

Gameplay is pure hack’n slash with just two basic attacks, but luckily there are some interesting RPG elements in which you gain new abilities, new weapons, new equipment and enhance the old abilities as well. Towards the end of the game your success depends on how well you manage to use your many different strengths to even the odds against massive hordes of enemies.

You need two things in order to enjoy Spartan: Total Warrior. First you must like the hectic hack’n slash gameplay with lots of enemies on screen all at once and secondly you must be at least a little interested in ancient Rome.