Buy it, you'll think you wasted your money. Rent it, and you hit jackpot.

User Rating: 7.2 | Spartan: Total Warrior GC
Theres really not much to say. This game has horrible graphics, but at least there is voice acting.
I love the gameplay, and while the missions get old and repetitive and even frustrating, its still great. If you go into playing this game with high hopes... you'll be disappointed. I went into playing this game as a quick beat-em up style game. And i got what I asked for and a little more. The boss battles, while cool, all boil down to= "Hit the enemy when their down". And I found it extremly frustrating and boring trying to beat some of them, while others it took me one try. Definatley rent this one. Buy it if its extremly cheap, otherwise, its not worth the money.