Madness?....This is SPARTAN: TOTAL WARRIOR

User Rating: 8.5 | Spartan: Total Warrior GC
This game can be summed up with one three letter
and i mean wow, Spartan: Total Warrior allows players to take control of a nameless Spartan warrior who has to stop the expansion of the Roman Empire, how while in real life the Romans and Spartans ever thought each other this doesn't stop Sega from throwing you up against 100's of soldiers, the dead and monsters.

From the first few seconds of game play you get a few for the rest of the game, fast and frantic game play where in each stage you take on almost 100 enemy's at once, some times with allies (alto most of the time they just serve to delay the enemy until you can kill them) and with a variety of various weapons and power moves at your disposal its extremely satisfying decapitating or slicing apart hordes of soldiers apart in a matter of seconds.
Also added to the main missions if the Arena challenge mode, in which you can take your character to various locations in the game and complete against wave after wave of enemy's until you die, added with items and troops that can be added via drops in the mission mode it adds for an exciting experience and you can see how long you and your fellow Spartans can last.

The game also has a mission reply mode, in which you can reply the game. But truth be told your only going to use to if you want to find any missing items or for certain battles. The games single player is extremely short, one of the games main problems...taking only a few hours to complete most of the time is spent on the Arena mode with this game, added that even with a army fighting with you it seems that your fighting the battle yourself as they do nothing but distract the enemy and die fast.