The next advancement in the hack & slash genre. Also one of the best games on the cube.

User Rating: 8.5 | Spartan: Total Warrior GC
I got this game from ebay for about $20. Seems this game is getting harder and harder to find, or it's just in high demand now. Anyway, i had played many of creative assembly's strategy games in their "total war series".
I got into the game knowing it would be totally different, more dynasty warriors like, but the game was so much more than that shallow game(s). It contains an actual story, and deep fighting system, where you have different enemies so you have to adapt, block and attack accordingly. Cool powers like the medusa shield's, which turns all your enemies into stone for a short period, also add to the depth.
Some of the dialogue is poorly acted or written, but it adds a layer of depth nonetheless. A number of the people in the game repeat the same sayings over and over until you finish an objective, like: rescue, kill, or find them.

Graphics wise the characters dont look to blocky, unless you look at them close up, so i don't know what the GS reviewers problem was. The animation is extremely smooth. Seeing thousands of heads being decapitated over the course of the entire game does get kind of repetative, but when it's so fun, how could it not be o.k.? The design of the game is great, always mixing it up, in one mission you may be rescuing soldiers (level 2) and another you could be fighting ares himself (the final level). Your allies actually do things in this game, they actually help you!

This game lasts about 12 hours, even more if you try to collect bonus items and play in the arena mode, a place where you fight endless waves of warriors to get high scores and gloating rights. Anyway this is a great game for the mature audience on one of the nintendos most kid oriented systems.