This is truely a unique experience among other games...

User Rating: 9.5 | Space Station Silicon Valley N64
This game is a breath of fresh air compared to most standard games. It feels so fresh and original, I grew up playing this as a young kid and even now I would find the puzzles just as challenging let alone the platforming. Ok so your probably wondering, what the heck is this game actually about? Well you start off as a little ant like robot with the size to match. Your die if you don't find your real body which is a giant robot and in order to stay alive you must take over a large variety of animals bodies once you kill them. This puts an extremely interesting and innovative quality in the game. to kill a strong animal to control its body you need an equal or at least worthy body to fight it. But you start off usually with something weak, and so you must work your way up. each animal has a unique ability (e.g chameleons can go invisible for a limited time) this puts an odd twist in the game as you use each animal for a pacific purpose creating a master plan on completing that stage in the game, using puzzle solving skills. Platforming abilities and whits to progress.
Puzzle solving and platforming is a fantastic combination as demonstrated in silicon valley. Also each animal will change depending on what creature you are. If your a powerful animal like a bear most creatures won't pick a fight on you, where as if you something like a penguin, your luck may be different... Animals who are the same species will also protect you and you can even command them if you are a king of the species which is very entertaining. I have read a few of the other reviews and most people have said the sound is not very good but i disagree. I think like the game, the sound is original and is carried oddly throughout the game in speakers which are placed around the levels. Players can break these if they do not wish to listen. And each animal have their own sound. The animals themselves are in great numbers, there are fish, birds, mammals, amphibian's, reptiles and much more. The artwork is carried out beautifully bringing each animal to life with the vast amount of colours and emphasised features. This game is highly addicted and even if you complete a level your want to complete it over and over again. Silicon Valley is one of a kind and a game which is hard to forget.