Proof that there is no god.

User Rating: 2 | Space Siege PC
If there was a god, Chris Taylor and GPG, both would've been hit by an asteroid after so many shameful rip-offs of much better games. I know that they like to 'fuse' different genres into one game and yeah, it sounds fun.. the problem is, the execution sucks mango balls.

After the lameness of Dungeon Siege, that I was actually having more fun with, I decided to give this Space version a try. This game is the 'dumber' version. Someone needs to tell GPG that having WASD for movement and mouse for rotating camera is a blessing, the reason why third person games suck on consoles. The control system is the same as in DS2 (except you can roll around like a rabbit wearing 50 ton implants). Use your mouse to move, shoot, roll, jack off at random bots..

As for game models/characters, you have seen then already in thousand other games or movies. Same goes for story, and upgrades, and weapons, and dialogues.. There is absolutely nothing new here (the RV is fun though, the only part that kept me playing was to upgrade it). HINT: Don't bother upgrading all new weapons (since new is usually the powerful one). Just upgrade the minigun and you will be killing everything like mad. Also, upgrade your grenades for taking out groups of enemies who usually are just running backwards, away from you, so that means the grenades pretty much take mose of them out since MOST of them are running backwards towards a wall or a corner. Idiots.

Graphics: Game doesn't look bad, but runs like a crippled horse with no head.. err.. I mean, the performance on a machine that can run games like Mass Effect or Doom 3 (even old, still looks better than this) at highest quality is crap. You will have to turn down specular quality (not that it's actually making any difference) and shadows just to get a playable FPS in fight scenes (since there are 10-20 enemies + particle effects everywhere + crappy physx use that makes no sense).

HINT 2: Go play Shadowgrounds instead. That's the game Space Siege tries to copy and fails big time. Even looks crappy compared to Shadowgrounds.


Anyways, yes, it sucks that much. 2/10 (2 for RV)