To easy, to short, no story plot all that with a "not fit in the game" robot as companion.

User Rating: 5 | Space Siege PC
The Good

Nice explosions.

The Bad

No story
To short
To easy (can be finished in a few hours without cheats)
An robot, the game may be a little interesting without it. The most of the time, is lost in game. Stuck behind boxes, even those can be push.
Locations... are the same from beginning to the end. Nothing new. Become boring.
Everything is on sight. No need to search for it. It is on map, u got it.

The Odd

If u are between the robot and an alien, the robot can kill u. If the robot is between u and an alien, u can kill him. How odd is this?
Or if u hold down the right button to use auto fire, first thing the mouse select is the robot and u kill him without intention.
Why this game needs two different ending? I just played the version where i kill pilot and stop after that. The game is to boring to start playing the second ending. If there is really one.

The strange

Why this game is an RPG? Looks like an FPS from another point of view. A very bad point of view.
And the piece of resistance. Is no glasses between the ship and the space. I push plants out of the windows in cold space. But, interesting part, i have oxygen in that room, and i do not suffocate. Or suck out in space. But i will die in a room full of toxins.

The idea

Make this game a FPS and resold it. Maybe this way will be better. And delete the robot, or make him more active. Or more like an companion... or not that was the idea?

(!) these are my own opinions and thoughts about the game after one play.