Gas Powered Games failed to make this game interesting

User Rating: 3 | Space Siege PC
I played the demo the get the "feel" of the game before buying the title. The demo opens with a niceley rendered trailer-type cg animated spacebattle - awesome. The demo itself opens up with some guy - you - shooting aliens standing on some stairs. You guess that you are in fact in the middle of some kind of battle. And proceed fighting aliens through grey corridors mysteriously filled with pressure cannisters and explosives.

I thought that the demo was merely a sample from somewhere in the middle of the game - I was wrong.

I bought this game because I enjoyed the coop game in Dungeon Siege - The coop game here is not the main story line, but a series of loosely fitted linear missions. (You do them because the list says so - now stop asking questions!)
The Battle-system is rediculouly simple, bordering on the impractical. Character of main-plot-guy is uninteresting.

To "save" this title, Gas Powered Games should make the explosions bigger. More of the invironment should be destructible. The game should support a controller.
The game should be ported to xbox.

Recommendation: Try the Demo. If the game really appeals to you, remember that the multiplayer coop part is different from the main game. (no story)
If you really need that dungeon siege fix, and you've played Dungeon Siege 2 allready. I recommend that you play Dungeon Siege 2 again.