In 1998, this game would still suck

User Rating: 2.5 | Space Siege PC
This was a serious let down for me.

Gas Powered games has historically put out some quality games. Unfortunately, Space Siege just doesn't cut it.

The best way to describe it is that the developers seemed lazy. All of the shortcuts that make dungeon scrolling games easy and enjoyable have been left out of Space Siege, either because the developers didn't think that games were smart enough to realize the difference, or they just didn't care.

The controls are terrible. You need to point and click to do everything from run to shoot. A dodge feature that is somehow supposed to make up for the terrible control design is a joke. The dodge is a roll in a random direction that is supposed to make you evade enemy fire. What the designers were too lazy to see is that most of the time you end up rolling RIGHT INTO the enemy! Did they even bother testing this game before they released it?

The environment that the game the exhibits is really confusing. The space ship is dark and dreary, which might not be a bad thing. However the aliens are cartoonish and your character never seems to really take the situation as seriously as the environment makes it out to be.

Lastly, the game doesn't run smoothly at all. Even with all of the video settings turned down, I was still lagging along. Mind you I have a dual core AMD processor, 2GB or RAM and a 256MB PCI NVidia graphics card. Not the top of the line system, but it runs WoW and Warhammer 40K without issue.

This game's development seems shoddy all around. Nobody took the time to really compare Space Siege to other games on a similar platform. Instead of a well polished, fun, sci-fi crawler the game is clunky, frustrating, and ultimately what seems like a lame Dungeon Siege mod.

Poor showing overall.