Overpriced and definitely NOT an RPG, but fun none-the-less.

User Rating: 7 | Space Siege PC
This game is getting it in the shorts from most critics and reviewers, and I can understand why they're disappointed. If you go into it expecting an original story and deep RPG elements, you'll be sorely disappointed. I played the demo and liked it, so I took the plunge. I thought the combat was fun and I really didn't mind not having an inventory. The lack of WASD controls makes you wonder what the developers were smoking, but once you get used to moving with the mouse and using the E key to dodge, it's not bad. I have ADD and even I didn't get bored of the environments. Granted, there are silly design issues like the gazillion explosive barrels and crates lining the hallways, but I kinda enjoyed blowing everything up. This game would have been much better received if it had carried a lower price tag. $30 would've been about right. For $50 I agree the experience was lacking. Try to find it on sale.