Hopefully in time with mods this game will becoming something more then a demo.

User Rating: 6 | Space Siege PC
t is a very basic diablo combined with Halo.

The game drops you off right in the middle of a battle with little warning and no instruction.
If you are not familair with diablo style games you will most likely wind up dead your first go.
Camera and other controls are done properly...although I switched around some of the keyboard and mouse settings....left click was move to destination and right click was attack...that had to be switched.

The loot system is abit different in which enemies and the destructible terrain will only yield "parts" and not items...each part has a specific numerical value...and in order to upgrade the few weapons that you do find...it takes a certain number of "parts" for certain upgrades. Besides these parts only health kits and grenades can be picked up. And speaking of pick up...clicking the Z key will drag every close item towards you quickly...so not having to collect parts by clicking each one...this is both great and bad...it makes it easy to collect the parts...but some get stuck in the terrain and become uncollectable.

Combat is fairly done....alot of walking backwards and firing...or holding ground with gunfire until you switch over to hand to hand. There is an evasive roll using the E key...which I hardly have used...it is easier just to side step and fire then to roll out of the way...unless an alien lobs a grenade at you...then it is roll time..unless you see it fast enough to step out of the way.

There is a great deal of explosive barrels & tanks to use to your advantage...some go spinning around like a rocket though and can harm you. Enemies come in small groups that I have seen so far...I try to give each such group a welcoming hand grenade as a heartfelt token before raining down hot lead.

The skill tree is my largest complaint...it simply is completely bland and lackluster.
Cybernetic implants are needed to open up some new skills..these implants have a cost of your humanity...if you lose too much of it other skills can not be used and vise versa.
An intresting concept....it just looks very shortchanged.

Few basic skills are given...nothing you havent seen 100x before.
Nothing even remotely innovative.

Save game stations frequent each level...they also replenish your health and energy.
At each station is a workbench which you can use your parts to upgrade some of your weapons and personal statics such as armor and health...when you upgrade your armor...your characters image does change to represent the improvement.

There is also your companion...a handy robot you find with machine guns for arms.
At each save station you can upgrade its statistics as well.
You can give commands to the robot to go to a point, attack a target or return and finally repair itself....using this robot as a meat shield will save your backside.
The robot will get destroyed fairly often if you are not careful with it.
Luckily manufacture stations are frequent around the maps where you can repair it.

The story is very good...but I felt like I was playing Halo from a different perspective.
Voice acting is also well done.

All in all I am enjoying the game...I just wish there were more weapons and armors..and something that even closely resembled a decent skill tree.