A RPG action game that takes place in a space ship. Not bad. Could have been lot worse.

User Rating: 5.5 | Space Siege PC
In this RPG you play the role of Seth, an experienced soldier who must stop extinction of human race. The game starts in a space ship ( also ends there ) which is probably the only shuttle that was able to escape earth before the alien race, Kerak destroyed the planet. You must get rid of your enemies and find a new home. Through out the game you will be assisted by other survivors. A negative part of the story is that the game is goes on in the same space ship. Though each mission takes place in different regions of it. As a result the environments in each levels are far too similar. I must say the story is short too.

There is not much variety in enemies - Kerak(crab like aliens), Cyborgs(humans who were brainwashed and converted into cybernetics), Robots(taken over by a rogue AI).

Through out the game you will find various weapons and upgrades both for yourself and your fellow Robot called HR-V. You also get skill points for completing missions which you can use to unlock new powers. Also you get cybernetic upgrade parts for you body and installing them is optional. The game has three ending (just the ending dialogs are different) based on your actions.