Is it really a game by Chris Tylor? or are they using just his name to cash in.

User Rating: 7 | Space Siege PC
Space siege is a simple gun and advance formula type game. If you are a hardcore action/rpg fan, then you should stay away from it. the funniest thing about this game is that you cannot run and shoot at the same time, instead you have to stand your ground and fire at your dumb foes, who are charged up with simple attacks, in addition, you can only evade there attacks by rolling towards them, instead of side ways or jump. total play time is near 9-11 hours (depends on your proficiency), and yes you can upgrade you self with CRITICAL cybernetics to full extent, even adding up a brain, and you can still get away as a Human, instead of cyborg. Loot is virtually extinct, instead you get parts, which you trade up for upgrades (literally available on every next corner). Only two type of skill trees available to play with and some NPC's thrown in for dialogs. If you like to just shoot everything randomly, then get this game.
No replay value.