Dungeon siege in space? Dream on dude...

User Rating: 6.5 | Space Siege PC
1. Technical Issues
2. Graphics
3. Gameplay
4. Story
5. Multiplayer

1. Technical Issues - One annoying bug of a notice although it doesn't happen too often. Sometimes during a loading between levels you get a crash and have to wait e few minutes to "gather exception data". The camera is kinda crappy.

2. Graphics - Decent. Almost everything can be blown out. Nothing compared to Mass Effect for example.

3. Gameplay - The game is a lot more action then RPG. Most of the time you will just be clicking over the enemy and waiting for him to die. There is a few skills but most of them are completely useless. The only 2 you need are the Cybernetic Spine and Shield. This combo makes you invulnerable for 8 seconds with a cooldown of 10. The enemies can't do much damage for 2 seconds. The upbraiding and advancement system is interesting. You have like 10 different weapons which you can use (Of course half of them are not worth it). After a while the game gets monotonous - go over there kill some enemies on the way, take this, return to base then go over there kill some enemies with a new names and few more hp, and blow this. Return back to base. And so on and so on. They really should have put more enemies in the game. As i said the only thing which changes in the enemy is their name and hp. The skin remains the same as the tactics for fighting. Although... there is only one tactic - shoot the enemy until he dies. The game is very easy and i've only managed to die a few times mostly because i didn't want to use a healthpack. The save places are often and the game drops enough upgrade parts for you to upgrade all your stats and a few good weapons.

4. Story - The proclaimed "Save the whole humanity" thing is nothing more then a hype. You are on a space ship attacked by some evil aliens (obviously by no reason or maybe will will understand why in the expansion as some of the datapads you found hints). Most of the quest you will do are go over this region and do something to those 3 things which will open/close/blow something else. The characters you encounter and you have on your base just refuse to speak outside of their scripted dialogs telling you something like - "Don't you have aliens to shoot" or "Don't bother me now". The overhyped "Humanity level" doesn't affect the game at all (at least i haven't noticed). You may be 100% cyborg or 100% human and still take both story paths. Not that there is any difference apart from 1 cutscene and a few different dialogs.

5. Multiplayer - I haven't played it. Some other review said it was fun for about an hour.