The game is compeletly linear. Very little real RPG element. This is more dumbed down trash. Not worth the HD space.

User Rating: 2.5 | Space Siege PC
The game is compeletly linear. Very little real RPG element. This is more dumbed down trash. Not worth the hard drive space. Maybe 20 hours of boredoom. No reply value despite being 'RPG'.

A lot of games recently like this have good graphics, but no brains. The story is linear, plot linear, barely any RPG. Just hyped up trash to make money. This is made for little kids maybe above 5 years old.

It looks like Dungeon Siege in space, there is no inventory or cool loot. Upgrades and health pack on pre-determined drop points. Linear. Have fun. Please Taylor, make a real game?

Glad I did not waste my money on it. A friend let me 'try it out'. Sorry. No return on software, so buyer beware before spending money. Try out the demo.

Well, to make up 800 words for this review, which is more than the game's plot line, I add this worthless paragraph.