An excellent fusion of what made old school games classics and current gen technology -- a masterpiece all around.

User Rating: 9.3 | Space Rangers 2: Dominators PC
Space Rangers 2 is an excellent and quirky game that all space strategy game fans should pick up -- especially at the low price it is. This game really reminds me of how games were made back in the day; lots of text and not a whole lot of direction as to where to go and what to do. This, however, is far from being a bad thing. You're free to go around and do whatever you want and I never felt like I was just wasting time since the game does a good job of reacting to your actions and making the galaxy actually feel pretty alive and dynamic, even if it is a little cartoony.

In the game there are robots called Dominators who are, yep you guessed it, hell-bent on dominating the galaxy. As a Space Ranger, you have a free license to go anywhere and do whatever it takes to stop the Dominators. Sorta like a B.A.T. agent but much more fun. The game has an astounding amount of content that always left me looking for more things to do. You have the basic game, which consists of a top-down perspective for flying your ship in a pausable real-time fashion as you go from planet to planet and for dogfights. Also, there is an arcade mode where you use the keyboard to battle it out with enemy ships inside blackholes. On top of that, there is a land-based robot battle game where you have factories that crank out robots you can customize and even take control of to smash all the other robots. To me, though, the most engrossing elements are the text-based government missions you receive from time to time.

These text missions are extremely creative and entertaining and practically worth the price of admission themselves. They range from doing a commando mission to capture a mercenary leader, winning an intergalactic battle of the bands, an election to become planetary president, being transmogriphied into an alien critter and becoming Chief of the critter tribe so someone can get a sex change operation, serving your time in prison, and many more. These are really top notch and add a tremendous level of immersion.

Graphically, Space Rangers 2 is very crisp and colorful even if it is a touch on the simple side. I really like the look, but some people may be turned off by it. The music and sound effects are great, some of the best I've heard. The difficulty is a little tough on medium, but it is fully adjustable. For the money, you cannot find a better space adventure game. It has tremendous replayability (a huge plus for me), is extremely hilarious with a wonderfully dry sense of humor, and is just all around enjoyable. I highly recommend it to strategy fans.