An original game that barely missed the mark

User Rating: 6.5 | Space Rangers 2: Dominators PC
With Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators Elemental Games has boldly tried to take the space exploration genre in a brave new direction . What you get here is a blend of turn-based strategy, robot building, real time strategy, text based adventures, arcade mini-games, open-ended gameplay and plenty of space exploration. That's a lot to pack into a single game. Did they pull it off? After spending several days with this game my best conclusion is they really gave it a great shot - but ultimately missed the mark.

It actually worked in the way they used 3D graphics in a 2D perspective for space travel since a fully 3D game probably couldn't have supported the other gameplay elements. I liked the mode that let you go down to a planet and build custom robots, which you'd then use to attack other planetside bases via RTS mode. Even the graphics and music were fairly impressive, lending to a satisfying audio-visual presentation. But the game falls short in its attempt to draw you into the story and in establishing a sense of environment. For instance, you know there are different factions vying for power and position, but the overall feel of encounters is more random than it probably should be. And sometimes you don't quite understand why certain ships or planets are so hostile toward you. I'm sure this was intended to make the game feel more dynamic and alive but it's also a bit disorienting.

I think part of the problem in general is that the developers weren't native English speakers. You get the sense that something was lost in translation even though the writing tries very hard to be engaging. This further takes you away from what could otherwise have been a more dynamic universe. Space combat (one of the main game elements) could have been more enjoyable, although they deserve points for trying to keep it simple. Admittedly, I'm a fan of games like Freespace and Freelancer so going from that to a 2D turn-based environment was sort of difficult.

Space Rangers 2 will be one of the more memorable games I've played simply due to it's sheer creativity and high degree of ambition. I'm sure few developers would dare try to pull something like this off as you can clearly see from this title it's not something which can easily be done. If you're the kind of gamer who appreciates space-based exploration games, but wants more variety than is traditionally offered, this is definitely a title worth checking out. But I have to caution you there's a fairly high learning curve. If you go into this expecting to play every feature right off the bat you're in for a disappointment. Instead, plan on spending some time getting familiar with your surroundings, upgrading your ship and doing a little exploring before expecting to see everything this game has to offer. For those patient enough to really get into it Space Rangers might be a game experience you won't find anywhere else.