Demo was truly fun, but retail has Starforce copy protection. A great game does not offset what this does to a computer

User Rating: 5.4 | Space Rangers 2: Dominators PC
I purchased the retail boxed version. But before I opened it I downloaded and played the demo. I truly enjoyed the game as fun, unique, and entertaining. Not fabulous, but fun. The graphics aren't the best, but the music is refreshingly good. The open ended game play is nice, with quirky events that keep things interesting.
Then I read in the official forums & found people having problems with the Starforce copy protection and that the retail box version installs it automatically. A great game does not offset the potential problems this copy protection can cause a legitimate user. I will be taking this game back to the store for a refund or store credit. I read rumor that the downloaded purchase of the game might not have Starforce included. However, I refuse to reward a company with my business if they choose to use Starforce. It would be like accepting a company that sells digital imaging software for your digital camera, and the installation includes drivers that shut down your internet connection without your approval if you visit competitor's websites. It is simply NOT okay for software to hamper my system outside of the perimeters of what I paid the software to do, and without disclosure.

I would recommend Star Rangers 2 on it's own merits only if one is willing to take the computer risk Starforce poses. I for one have drawn a line here concerning software that hampers my computer without my authorization, and my money is not crossing this line.