Addictive game with good replay value. Great variety in game play and quick pace keeps you playing .

User Rating: 9.1 | Space Rangers 2: Dominators PC
Variety in game play
Replay value
Quick Pace
Good/unique game concepts

Language translations and game play could use tweaking.
Takes time to learn (high learning curve)

You can fly through space collecting ore, fighting other space ships, or tripping out in black holes. You can stop by a planet and trade, upgrade your ships equipment, get sent to jail, or take one of the extremely varied missions from the planets leader. You can use probes to explore uninhabited planets for valuables or help the scientists find a way to stop the dementors. Or you can stop the dementors with a more direct approach and order an attack on a system and go shoot a few out of the sky. No matter what you choose to do, you will never run out of different things to do in this game.
That being said the game does have its rough edges. The text based portions are a great and original concept for such a fast paced game to throw in but teh translation is poor in some place. The text based parts also tend to be long winded and sometimes it throws you out of the rhythm the game develops so well. The learning curve is a bit steep but manageable. Personally I would love to see more interaction with the environment, being able to inhabit a planet, conquer planets, etc.

I anxiously await an improved version of this game. The concepts are a great basis for the perfect turn based game.