
User Rating: 8.6 | Space Rangers 2: Dominators PC
Your job as a space ranger is to serve as an interstellar cop, tasked with stamping out piracy and battling the dominators, which are powerful robots out to conquer the galaxy. However, you also need to make a living on the side, and you can do so by carrying out missions for various planetary governments, or by buying and trading various goods and resources as a merchant, or by becoming a pirate yourself and extorting protection money out of civilian vessels. You can then use your money to purchase a dizzying assortment of upgrades and vessels, which allow you to tackle some of the more difficult missions later on in the game.

The galaxy of Space Rangers 2 is a dynamic one, as hundreds of ships travel between the dozens of planetary systems conducting trade, warfare, and more. More importantly, everything you do affects your reputation with the various factions in the game, and so doing a favor for one side might mean hacking off another, which may result in finding a bunch of battleships on your tail or having to bribe your way back into a planet's good graces. Combat in the game is surprisingly deep, but also fast-paced. Space Rangers 2 is a turn-based game, but it feels like real time. That's because it uses a simultaneous resolution phase, which means that everyone plots out moves for the turn, and then all the moves are resolved simultaneously.