A great Memorable game For only 19.99! Count me in!

User Rating: 9.5 | Space Invaders Extreme DS
I am going to list every thing in order from graphics to gameplay.

Graphics: The graphics in Space invaders extreme are very colorful and lively. And the colors just pop out of the screen like never before. From flashy countdowns to heavy weapon upgrades the DS backs up the software requirements perfectly.

Sound: The sound is where this game stands out also. Every time a bullet is shot it makes a sound that goes with the Music of the background. And when you hit an alien it also makes a sound that goes with the music. Powerups do it to and altogether it makes for a rich fun hearing experiance.

Gameplay: Now this is where the game really at its core is one of the best space invader game around. Everything you could imagine from the old space invaders is here and is like pumped on steroids. Its very fast paced and you can pick up beam power ups, bomb power ups, and a power up that lets you shoot four shots at a time. And there are also really innovative boss battles that will have you at it for a while. Dont think the game is a walk in the park either. The difficulty is pretty hard when you get to the later levels. The game also supports Wifi so you can post your high scores and go one on one with another space invaders opponent. Its really cool and it is a must have!