A fun, energetic, space combat sim that delivers.

User Rating: 8.8 | Space Force: Rogue Universe PC
I bought this game last week and have spent too many hours to mention playing it...

Starting out is the most challenging aspect of this game, but once you get over the initial hurdle THE COMBAT DOES BALANCE OUT! Early on in the game I did have to spend many hours doing menial things to earn enough money so I could afford a heavy fighter. Now that I have a heavy fighter the combat has balanced out (which is probably the fighter class the game was designed around in the first place). In my opinion its worth the effort as the dog fights alone are really fun, involving, and a challenge (although I rarely die now lol).

The lows...

Poor in game tutorial information. (I needed to read through the demo help thread to get over the initial information gap.)

Capital ship combat is too easy. (Once you find a safe spot to snipe at capital ships taking them down does not seem like enough of a challenge)

You start out needing to do menial tasks to earn enough moolah to afford the heavy fighter. The highs...

The dog fights are a blast! I've been in dog fights while weaving in and out of asteroids which is way cool! The sound of ships whizzing by you at high speed. Having to time an EMP burst to knock out incoming missiles. Dodging missiles or strafing to miss incoming fire. Plus there are about 18 weapons by my guess each with its own stats for the different kinds of shields and hull plating the different races employ so figuring out the right gun(s) to use keeps it interesting.

The in-game physics are nice they add a layer of realism that was missing from other space combat sims like freelancer or the x series.

The graphics in the game are really nice, not perfect, but good.

The sound changes appropriately to the situation you are in. There are different sounds associated with the star bases for the different races also.

The story is interesting and unique. Games only $30!


If you enjoy space based combat games you really shouldn't miss this title!

And for the record...
I played EVE for four months. I played Freelancer all the way through. I have played X3 reunion for too many hours to count. I can honestly say that Spaceforce: Rogue Universe tops all of them in my book for fun!