Poorly executed. Too many flaws. Whomever likes this never enjoyed Privateer, EVE, X2, X3 or Elite III.

User Rating: 2 | Space Force: Rogue Universe PC
DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. The game is a PIECE OF JUNK. The so called action and intelligent AI he refers to is a melange of sporadic ship spawns. Believe me THERE'S NOTHING INTELLIGENT ABOUT THE AI in this stupid game.

Minkey0002: WE KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE FRAKKING GAME even an IDIOT can beat this game. How DARE try to insinuate that the reason why we leave a bad is because we can't beat the game! Disqualifying our opinions under the premise that we don't know how to kill the stupid AI pirates is a total fallacy and childish on your part. THE GAME SUCKS AND YOU KNOW IT. This is the sole reason we leave the feedback that we do.

But go ahead, download the DEMO and see just how pathetic this game is... Because I guarantee you it doesn't get ANY better in the full version.
I've flown every single simulator, every single space-fighter game, every online space-sim of every kind... I GUARANTEE THIS GAME BLATANTLY REEKS. It's all hype to get your to finance their other game, 'SpaceForce Captains', which is probably going to be a bigger flop than this piece of junk! Save the cash and buy yourself a couple of pizzas, you'll get a lot more out of your money.

The game is immensely unoriginal...here I am taking my flight test, and wham, who would have thought… pirates appear. Great scott guys, where’s the troll guarding the bridge? You couldn’t have thought of something actually original?

And man o man is it that hard to find people that speak English clearly and can give the thing some sincere emotion?

After sitting through a horrendous intro movie...

The game runs fine, no glitches, no problem at all with all settings on high. Unless of course I take into account actual visual content… because no matter how much MIP mapping, vertex shading, or how many anisotropic milkshakes you throw at a cow, it is, unavoidably just a cow.

The ‘blurry radar’ I don’t like at all. One of the primary functions of a HUD is clarity and the communication of absolute situation awareness. The radar pips are blurry, unclear and having to switch between modes to distinguish between ships and buildings is silly. When different colors or icons would do. Instead of those ball-lighting blobs.

The textures on some of the buildings is horrendous. The bump mapping is WAY too high. It looks as if the buildings were exposed to 3000 years of meteor bombardment. Space age modern tech doesn't require stone bump mapping, sorry.

It has it’s good points…
I found the flight model adequate its a relief to not have to use a joystick.

The sound is good, music perhaps a bit too upbeat, considering the many hours spent in this type of game… toning it down would avoid having to turn it off as I’ve had to.

Back to the bad points since they tend to remain in memory longer…
The voice acting is the worst I’ve ever heard in the genre! Get some professional voice actors, ones that can actually give a sentence more inflection and emotion than R2D2.

The character visuals are no more than plastered image of a pilot, totally devoid of any lip & head movements. Heck even Wing Commander had more life-infused people in the game.

The trading system is horrible, no real value in trading since I can just blow up pirates, sell the goods, rinse repeat.

Missions are poorly written, fly there, kill pirate, fly to that system turn on satellite. Totally off balance throwing you into the mess without a tutorial.
The game feels rushed and incomplete.

I want to turn off all the radio chatter, I want to shut down the stupid robot chick that is constantly talking to me, I want to use widescreen graphics with clear type.. unfortunately I can't do any of this.

Docking... oh wow... 1.) approach base 2.) When icon appears hit 'Enter'... Geez, that is way too difficult for me! GIVE-ME-A-BREAK!

Provox released a demo reel that contained fantastic visuals... too bad I see none of that while in the actual game.. oh well.

No other piece of software has let me down as much as this in 26 years of computer gaming. It's back to X3 for me I suppose.

I gotta admit, the Provox people sure do have balls releasing this game like this. In spite of what the FANBOYS would like you to think this game is. IT'S NOT! All it is, is wishful thinking from people whom have waited for a game to replace Freelancer and are still running on fumes because this game's tank is empty!