A complete waste of Time and Money

User Rating: 1.7 | Space Force: Rogue Universe PC
Let me start off by saying that when you make a promise on a box, and fail to deliver on that promise, you deserve every trolling review that is written about you. You were warned and did it anyway. You messed up. Furthermore do not go off on your website as if everything is fine and the problem is in our heads. No. You and your lack of talent are the problem. End of story.

Moving on... This game is crap. What can I say that hasn't already been said? The graphics are horrible. The sound is crap. It takes up almost 5 gigabytes and considering what other games do with that much space I really don't think there is any excuse to release a game this crappy.

The story is bland and almost nonexistent. "Oh noes, wheres my sister! My sister! My sister..!!" Sound familiar? Of course it does. But, wait! There's more! There's the ever dreadful PIRATES!!! OH MY GOD!! WHAT WILL WE DO?? What the heck do you think you will do? You will just blow them up. But, wait! There's more! More stuff to blow up that is. All you do in this game is blow things up. Except at the beginning; you don't blow things up then because you are too weak to blow things up. Wonderful way to start off a game: With another ignorant arrogant brainless "hero". I don't know about you but I am getting quite sick and tired of these developers who OBVIOUSLY know absolutely nothing about video games yet continue to attempt to believe, and persuade, that they do. These people went to college for this. Releasing crappy games like this is no excuse and I am sure this type of stuff wouldn't even pass you through college. Yet there is a whole team of them..... How irritating! Stop wasting our time and money OR don't be surprised when we start wasting yours.