After much hype..the game and demo are out..I suggest, get the demo first.

User Rating: 6 | Space Force: Rogue Universe PC
After waiting for a while now for the new release, I found myself torn while reading the reviews of others. The solution seemed straight forward, try the demo first. If you have a love of the older games, back when coms traffic was in 2d and a "still picture" was used as a popup, then you might really enjoy this game. They seem to be going for the "retro" look, the universe is nice with great color and detail, but the story is about a young boy who at 6-8 yrs old, saw his father die.(standing in a field on a planet, looking into space..gooooood eyesight there, Jim)..He never forgets and becomes an emotional cripple. 20 years later, probaly after some time in a hospital, he finally trys for his pilots license, at about 28. His instructor is very lienient, turn on 5 satellites to pass. I wish I had him as my instructor in driving class. The story, is obviously just to get him in a ship and out into the universe, its saddly done and shallow. You cant even take a mission without his emotional problems stepping in to remember his sister loved pizza, or the colors of this system, or something.(back to the hospital there bud)