Way too hard!

User Rating: 2 | Space Force: Rogue Universe PC
I tried this game out for two hours before giving up on it. The first level is way too hard and I had no idea what I was doing. The three second tutorial consists of your ships computer telling you whats on your HUD and what they mean. There is no actual tutorial and no where do you learn how to dogfight or fly your ship. Looking through the keyboard controls helps a little bit, but even after knowing what buttons to press, I still couldn't kill anything. The first enemies you fight are way too fast and your guns are way too weak..

My guess is that the developers spent way too much time on making this game look good, and completely forgot about the beginning of the game. It's rare that I'll give up on a game so fast, but this was ridiculous.

I am a huge fan of space sim games like Freelancer, DarkStar One, and Freespace. This game simply does not live up to the standards set by those games. If you want a good game, I suggest you try out one of the ones I mentioned. If you have your heart set on Spaceforce, I suggest you download the demo first.