A space simulator with potential to outclass Freespace, X2,X3 or even Freelancer ..... well NO. A cashcow maybe??

User Rating: 3.3 | Space Force: Rogue Universe PC
Upon installing and starting this game your presented with (and the only way to configure anything) starting screen, you then click play and a short while later the main screen with loading your pilot starts. Once selected then comes the HIDEOUS loading time (30 secs+) and your dumped right in the middle of someone else's war. Your ship has bugger all protection and a laser weapon that has the same class as a type 2 lacky band. But wait the stupid onboard computer is chatting in your ear that your shield is down but the thing isn't???, the enemy is flying around like they've had 230 pints of Guinness and you die. You will die several times before you work out what's going on and can start chosing your destiny (whether to keep playing or not).

I've been playing (according to the stats screen, 572 something, days minutes, fingernails, who knows). The only way to make a decent amount of money is to buy mining tools and mine the asteroids and build up your inventory. Each time you do you'll have the stupidly annoying computer voice telling you that you've 'Found some goods', oh but wait, there's nothing there?! So after playing for maybe 10+ hours plus you eventually get enough cash together to start upgrading your tin can. This game does compare to a space sim, but none that are currently released, even a game 4 years old in Freelancer. I would suggest abit of patience in playing this or a mouse will end up thru the monitor.

The graphics are very well done with alot of particles around, the planets are well drawn and the space stations are worth stopping for a look. The spaceships, well the smaller ones zoom around and the larger craft hang in the sky just like all the other space sims.

The sound is just like the music from X2/X3, ambient chilling and quite good to listen too, BUT you've got the most ANNOYING voice talent ever invented to soon end that. Your welcomed into a station via a long dialog that's still continuing after you've landed and off getting a cup of coffee. The computer voice ... well please PLEASE P L E A S E, release a patch to turn it off and the enemy voices sound like they were recorded by people whp'd had a cold for a month.

I'd anticipated this game with baited breath as alot of hype about a sim that compares to those games already mentioned could be the 2007 GOTY. Nope, bollocks, bargain bin, it is, would recommend to someone who's looking for a beginner's space sim but then Freespace 2 is still my space sim. Its a pity because alot of times seems to have gone into the graphics, and then along comes the people who did the storyline and the rest of the game.