Suprisingly good

User Rating: 9 | Space Empires V PC
Ok well one day my friend said he wouldnt play any online games till i got this and so i said fine and i went out and bought it at a game store. Well when i asked the guy when it came out he said it was pretty recent and i said ok. well i go and get home and to my suprise it system requirments are insanly low and i said well this cant be a good game if its that low. well u know i get into it and now that ive been playing it for about 2 days i figure out that its really good actually and so i call him up and say ty for making me get this game heres the pros and cons of this game (at least what i think they are)(not that any one reads these)

Pros: A great mix between turn based and RTS, Many different abiliteys, Many different planets, Very good graphics.

Cons: Very hard to lean how to play, Way to many things to look over, Online play is weird because of ship building(takes long time).