Bought this game cheap in a sale. Thought 'South Park', this should be funny. It's not.

User Rating: 1.8 | South Park PC
Good news - if you ignore the shortcuts and run from the program file, this will play on XP.

After that, for me it was all down hill. I suspected this was a shoddy job when the install screen asks 'what language do you want'. After selecting English the second screen of the install process asks 'What language do you want' and introduces Spanish as an option that was not on the 1st screen.

It installs no problem. The voices sound OK and just like the show.
Played the 1st level in which you get to throw white / yellow snowballs at turkeys and wander around South Park.
Turkeys come at you in waves. Problem is there's no apparent AI at all so they all come in a straight line. Once you line up to hit the 1st one all the rest follow it into your cross hairs. The only challenge is hitting the keys fast enough.

There is an on-line option ( you don't get to play the game at all even in single player mode unless you confirm your ip address) but when I tried it I got 'No Servers Found'. Playing with other players may have made this game enjoyable once upon a time, without that it's a curiosity for collectors. I won't be playing level 2 Summary : Good points, voices & characters are like the show.
Average : music Bad : gameplay,