South Park is a great show but it's a weak game.

User Rating: 1.3 | South Park PS
I'm a fan of South Park. We all know the show South Park. The characters Cartman, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, Mr(s) Garrison, Timmy, Jimmy, Butters, Token, Wendy, Randy, Sheila, Mr. Mackay, Tweek, etc. Well, it was turned into a crappy computer game that was not fun at all.

Turkeys chasing after you and you need to throw snowballs at them or something.

The game-play, sound, graphics, etc. were absolutely crap!

Don't get this game, I repeat to get this game. If you get it offered for free take it and smash it. This game isn't good enough to even be called a South Park game. If they want to make another South Park game (which they shouldn't) they will need to really make a great comeback.