I dont know what gamespots problem with this game is because its awsome

User Rating: 9 | South Park Rally PC
The popular animated tv comedy South Park is back and this time in video game form(were they went i dont know)and is more enjoyable than ever.When i picked this game up for $25 i thought seeing that it is cheap it probly crap but i was back then a big fan of south park so i gave it a try and it is the best South Park game that is a fun racing game mixed with a twist of comedy! Characters include chief,Eric(cartman),Kenny,Stan,Kyle,Kyles mom,Erics mom,the aliens,ike,shely,officer cartman,homie cartman,brave chief even Jesus and Satan!There is about 8 more that i cant remember but i know theres heaps more.There are also about 10 levels that are in this game. Some of the mission objectives are shooting people with cupids bow and arrow for Valentines day,checkpoint racing,collecting easter eggs,turkeys and chickens for certain events and defeating Satan and so much more.