The game that got me back into fighters.

User Rating: 9.5 | SoulCalibur X360
Soul Calibur II was the first in the series that I've ever played for XBOX. I thought it was pretty good but that's all I thought of it. I didn't really continue to play it and I eventually just stopped because I was bored of it. Years later, I buy Soul Calibur I on XBOX Live and I had no idea how amazingly fun it could be.

Mind you I've never played the Dreamcast version, so all this stuff I hear about missing features honestly doesn't bother me one bit. I've played this game how it is on XBOX Live so that's how I'm going to review it, and I can live without the features and online multiplayer although it would have been a nice addition.

Soul Calibur really delivers on the fun right away. The first thing I noticed was how smoothly I could successfully defeat whoever I was going against and that made me feel good because I usually suck at fighting games, but I wasn't too bad at this one. So already Soul Calibur is pretty pick up and play. The button layout isn't very difficult either. A to guard, Y+X to throw, B to kick, and Y for a vertical hit and X for a horizontal. The only thing that I could think of that was difficult was Ivy's Summon Suffering move that you get an achivement for, but even that wasn't too difficult.

Speaking of achivements, most of them aren't that hard to get. Beating Time Attack mode is just a matter of getting a lot of ring outs when you need it and there's also an achivement for that! (All Ring outs on Time Attack). There's also achivements for beating the game with all the characters, beating 24 characters in Extra Survival Mode (which I find to be really hard), and one for getting a perfect victory. So the achivements aren't really that hard which is great because I sure love achivements.

As others have stated, everything is already unlocked, but who cares? Just play the game.

That's really all I can think about. All in all it's a really awesome game and I highly recommend it to fighter lovers and those who want to try one.