Soul Calibur II+3 cool new characters+every character you can think of+decent Create a Player+Shinier BG's=SC III

User Rating: 8.1 | SoulCalibur III PS2
Soul Calibur III is released the same year Tekken 5 was, and while Tekken 5 was a wonderful sequal, Soul Calibur stabs itself in the foot.

The gameplay remains the same for the most part. The three characters that are debuting for the game are equaly awesome. They do have different gameplay modes, but none of them are really fun. The story mode is ok, but the cutscenes aren't too rewarding.

The graphics has been beefed up impressively for the game, the backgrounds are amazingly beutiful, but the models look the same.

The sound sounds..... the same. The voice acting is better, but not much.

Value is questionable, if you love the game, you will play it every once in a while for fun, but theres not much there.

What really brings this game down is no online play... which isn't good. IF there was online play, then the value would boost up really high.

overall, Soul Calibur III is a decent sequal, but not enough to keep you interested for long.