Was great for a while but after that while ends the game turns on you

User Rating: 6.5 | SoulCalibur III PS2
hummm what can i say about this game.... lets see

ok the game in pretty fun at the start with all the chars and custom chars and unlocking things over battles is cool and all but the chars you might have to fight aginst in Normal are REALLY hard let me expalin

1:bad reponse time
ok your fighting a a guy and your trying a move and you did it completly right well the game dosent some time reads it and stops and you start over like some grapples instead of grabbing you just a single attack and that grapple could of saved you and blocking and counter are really hard to do because of the game not responding fast enough

2:AI does what humans cant
ok here we go THE AI can Counter your attacks and grapple 10 times in a row while you cant do taht because you have a bad reponse time and you have to change buttons to counter those and you cant tell what it is and there Damage are way more powerful then your and they WILL SPAM YOU! with all times of moves that you cant even keep track because 1 second your standing the next your in the air being juggeld over and over aging with differnt moves and powerful combos and the next momemnt BOOM your on the ground knocked out!

3: Graphics are well stunning everything looks great but most fighting games have great graphics so graphics are the saving point

4:Story mode is hard ok the chars as i say spam you and do have more powerful weapons and in custom modes you have to fight people stronger then you that can just knock you off the stage or spam you to death.

so if you can get past that it is a well ok game that is my review