Soul Calibur 2 is a sequel to a revolutinary game that just makes it more exciting and fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | SoulCalibur II GC
Soul Calibur 2 is the sequel to the Dreamcast game Soul Calibur which was the best-selling for the dreamcast. In each version of Soul Calibur 2 comes with a diffrent secret character. My opinion is the Gamecube has the best of them all, Link.

On the PS2 and Xbox, the secret characters look out of place, but on the Gamecube Link fits in just right with the others. His sword diguises him with the others. His abilities (except for the bomb) also fit in.

The Gamecube doesn't have a slow frame rate and has better graphics than the other than have. The graphics are outstanding for a Gamecube game. It looks like they are real people fighting each other.

The difficulty of Soul Calibur is rather hard. You might find CPU's making a huge comeback from out of nowhere. Luckily, this only occurs in the game's story mode. It does seem like the opponet's cheating though.

The multiplayer is really were this game shines. Although, it doesn't have 4 player multiplayer, it is outstanding and fun to beat your noob friends in multiplayer.

Soulcalibur 2 is a amazing game that every Gamecube owner should have. It features a wide variety of characters, tons of unlockables, and a great multiplayer.
