Soul Calibur II follows directly in the footsteps of its predeccessor, and it's a wonderful fighter all around.

User Rating: 8.5 | SoulCalibur II GC
Soul Calibur II is and outstanding fighting game in almost every way. The visuals are great, gameplay is solid, and it will last you for a heck of a long time. The plot picks up from the first, and is pretty simple. Nightmare collected enough souls for the Soul Edge to restore the Osthreinsburg Castle. But a young warrior faced Nightmare and defeated him. The Soul Edge opened up a vortex, sucking in Nightmare, the Soul Calibur, and the defeated Soul Edge (the Soul Calibur sword defeated Soul Edge after the vortex was opened by the Vortex by the main antagonist, Inferno). So now, characters from across the land come to find the Soul Edge and destroy it, but the swords and the two characters that were sucked into the vortex come out, and they will do at nothing to stop everyone's plans with the Soul Edge (except the good sword, Soul Calibur)!

The game doesn't really bring anything new except the predictable new stages, music, and characters. The game brings a new single player storyline in which you go through a dungeon with whatever character you want, going through stages, and unlocking weapons and things like that. The music isn't quite as great as the original, but it is good. The great combat also comes back. This game is very similar to the first. The new comers and the fans will both enjoy this long - awaited sequel.