Soul Calibur Broken Destiny is a great portable fighting game, with only a few flaws.

User Rating: 8.5 | SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny PSP
Even if your new to fighitng games or are a series veteran, it's not hard not to recommend Soul Calibur Broken Destiny to anyone looking to play a good looking and fun to play fighting game. While it doesn't change the formula in any way. And while it isn't Soul Calibur 5 or Soul Calibur 4, Broken Destiny sits somewhere inbetween them both to provide more of what Soul Calibur 4 gave to players. While some of the new additions are neat, like the removal of gender restricted clothing on custom characters. Other changes like a somewhat lackluster story mode, called The Guantlet, do make the experience less fun than it should be.

Broken Destiny has several modes of play to clash swords in, theres a quick match which acts as a good replacement for online game, as it gives you several AI opponents to fight each with there own characters, tactics, playstyle and even a simulated win/loss record. Which can make you feel like you are playing against people. The Gauntlet mode is a lackluster non-cannon story mode with the story told by text and funny pictures, while not intresting it's still somewhat worth going though, just to see the crazy pictues.

Theres also a trials mode with three different types of gameplay, this mode acts more like an arcade mode with 8 opponents and a score system giving some reason to keep playing it. Theres also a normal VS mode, for human on human multiplayer, sadly theres no actual online in Broken destiny, making for a somewhat lonely experience, but if you have a buddy or too, then the online can be fun. But if you don't then the AI can provide a decent challenge at times.

Like Soul Calibur 4, you can also create custom characters, but you are somewhat limited to 16 slots unlike the console versions which is capped at 50, while this could be a techical problem on the PSP side, i can't see why it would of been so hard to make the game save the characters to the memory sticks, as any 8GB memory should allow for more characters.

The gameplay in Broken Destiny is very pick up and play, just about anyone can get a hold of the gameplay and understand the mechanics. And so it's no wonder then the game also looks and sounds really good. Character models are great looking, and the soundtrack is fantastic, the voicework is also very good on both english and japanese voicetrack. And if you install the game then the load times are even shorter.

I love Soul Calibur, so being able to play this on the go whenever im out is a great advantage, while the game is lacking in several modes and areas, and it feels somewhat stripped down slightly. The new additions as well as the two new characters to play, somewhat makes the experience a little better than the actual console version.

I highly recommend you get this game if you are a fan of fighting games or a Soul Calibur fan, because it can provide alot of fun, so long as you don't mind fighting the AI.