It's not a great showoff of the PSP's graphics, but if you're SERIOUSLY into robot games, this could be for you.

User Rating: 5.6 | Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor PSP
Soukyuu no Fafner is one of the first anime games to be released for the PSP, and is also one of Bandai's first attempts for a PSP game in general. This first attempt isn't exactly a flop, but it isn't a winner either.

The anime itself is about a boy who is selected to pilot a robot, Fafner, against a returning allomony. The plot of the anime is followed to the teeth in this game, from the very first episode onwards. If you're a fan of the anime, this will bring you into the game alone. But on it's own, it does share a few problems.

Firstly, the graphics leave more to be desired. It could easily be mistaken as a sprucened up late gen PS1 game. Graphics, effects, all looks rather bland.

The sound is a toss up. The music is a bland MIDI mix, with the only good piece of music coming from the OP theme that plays in the intro. Sound FXs are also quite dissapointing. The only good part about the sound, however, is the seiyuus that reprise their roles in this game. They try to give the game an entertaining flavor, but with the sound and graphics not doing their part, it's really a one man job for them.

Gameplay is alright, with controls being responsive and some strategy needed during some fight scenes. You can switch between a gun turrent attack or several swords. You also choose between which weapons you want to use before and during battle. However, the load times can be a pain in the butt sometimes, with loading going around the 20 second range before a battle.

Overall, It's not a great showoff of the PSP's graphical capabilities, and the sound leaves more to be desired. But if you're SERIOUSLY into robot games, this could be for you.