great collection of classic games

User Rating: 7 | SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection PS3
wow what a collection you get get 40 amazing classic sega games for a bargain price what more could you ask for

a nice collection to keep you entertained for hours on end but for some reason dosnt feel as fun than it did when you played them on the sega putting them on next gen consoles was a great idea but has made the games lose a bit of there magic.

another good inclusion are trophies or achivements depending on what console you have. This gave something more to aim for whilst playing and in some cases makes some of the more craper games seem a bit more exiting to play. This time around you will also get the option to be able to save the games .

unfortunatly there is no online multiplayer which wud of been intresting to see what they would offer

a must have buy to all you sega fans but offers nothing to new gamers