The phantasy star games are worth 30$ buy themselves,but sega finally does something right and gives you tons more.

User Rating: 9.5 | SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection X360
Man this is the third time I have edited or re wrote this review.Because I just have not ben satisfied with it.Anyways I thought of this and I really think this will be the last time.

Ok this is a super cool video game collection.I do mean super in more way than one.Its a super value and some of these games in this title are still fun to this day and are better and more fun than some of today's current high tec titles.Now I did not say all I just said that there are some games in this compilation that are better than "SOME" of todays titles.Every time I start to play another one it inspires me to redo this review because I have got to let you know what you are missing.

All is not perfect though.You CANNOT play sonic and knuckles with sonic 3 or sonic 2 which is just plain cheap to me.I thought the interviews and stuff were kinda cool but I think it would have ben better if they would have cut those interviews and some of those other games and included some more.Such as the ability to play sonic 3 with sonic and knuckles,add some games such as toe jam and earl and the revenge of shinobi and this game compilation would have scored a 10 by me.

I really hope this is a sign from sega to see some future compilations,such as a sega saturn compilation! Wouldn't that be cool! Oh well I can dream.

Any ways here are the games that make this compilation worth 30$ and also might make it priceless to others such as myself!The game name will come first then a very brief comment and then the score on a scale of 1 to 10.

Altered beast- Still fun but can get old fast! - 7.0
Comix Zone- its hard and its age shows through but still cool- 7.5
Dynamite Heady-Still really fun -9.0
Ecco The Dolphin- Some like it some don't but I do!- 8.5
Ecco The Dolphin: The Tides Of Time-I like thefirst one best but this ones prettier and still fun also- 8.0
Phantasy Star- One of those games that have stood the test of time and is just plain sun to this day.A true Masterpiece- 10
Phantasy Star 2- Another Gem but I like the first better. 9.5
Phantasy Star 3- I like it more than others. 8.0
Phantasy Star 4-I tell you there is a reason why these games are still talked about-9.0
Ristar- A crazy cool platformer and another gem. 9.5
Shinig force- does not hold up as well as the phantasy star series but still a blast to play. 8.5
Shining force 2- A joy to play just like the first-8.5
Sonic 1- now you can see why this guy was a rival to mario- 8.5
Sonic 2-a very good game but not as good as the first or the third- 8.0
Sonic 3- Like ristar and dynamite heady another platform gem-9.0
Sonic and knuckles-I give this one a low score because on this compilation the lock on tec seems to be broken-5.0
Streets of Rage-cool-8.0
Streets of Rage 2-sweet-8.0
Streets of rage 3-man this is awsome-8.5
VectorMan- A more action oriented platformer-8.5
VectorMan 2-More cool action-8.5
Space Harrier-A cool shooter-7.5

Now all the rest are just extras some the the golden axe series I never really did,but non the less those games above are all worth playing if you have never played then for sure.For all who wonder about going back yes they are still fun.THe sonic games were not as fun because I still remember everything about them,but I still had a good time with them.

You should go buy this game now and thank me later!