Sonic Unleashed: It might just suprise you...

User Rating: 8.5 | Sonic Unleashed PS3

Ok, so I know alot of people did not like this game. And that GameSpot gave the PS3 version a rating of 3.5. But Im here to tell you that Unleashed is really a very good title.

Dont look like that.


I mean it.

The Day Stages are a blast. The Night stages are well polished and remind me of a 3-D Ristar. I do have a few minor complaints though, namely that the Artwork for the Localers you run across seems kind of ugly, and that Sonic doesnt look quite natural in some of the stages. Also, the day stage music doesnt really match the action, I dont think. Still, all in all these are minor complaints, and the Gameplay overwhelms these little nuisances with its well thought out stages and (for the Werehog) move combos. Also important is the cool story, but I wont spoil the plot for you here. Overall, I really think this is a game worth trying. Dont let the "Experts" steer you away from this Great Game.