Is Sonic Still leaving people in the dust or has Sonic Bitten the Dust? Read more to find out. HEY! HEY!

User Rating: 9.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog (Live Arcade) X360
Sonic The Hedgehog, A game released by Sega in 1991 as a new mascot to rival Nintendo's Mario. Well that all the background you get since the whole purpose is to discuss the game its self.

Game play, The game while fast and causing older people seizures and headaches trying to keep up, is surprisingly simple. Your objective is to reach the goal and free the captured animals or fight the main boss Robotnic as quick as you can. You do this by taking the quickest path (when available as sometimes theirs only one) and fight your way to the end of the level. The controls for this are simple. You jump, run and roll, attacking is either the jumps or rolls. The game also stands out from other side scrollers that I was used to at the time because you could move to left. Believe it or not this was a big deal to me. As you do all this Sonic will collect his rings, which keep you alive, should you hit an enemy or hazard they save you but you lose all of them. Other than this you will need at least 50 rings at the end of levels to go into special stages and get the chaos Emeralds. Lastly they prove helpful when you get 100 giving you an extra life. Finally the special stages, where you get the all powerful Chaos Emeralds you will jump away from flashing red dots and try and bust the Emerald out of a box like thing. Succeeding in this you win a emerald, if not don't worry as you pretty much have a chance nearly every level as long as you meet above requirement.

As far as the plot goes, there isn't much of an in game plot. But after reading the manual 8 years ago and assuming all Sonic games share the same basic plot I'll try my best to recreate it. Dr. Ivo Robotnic or as he's now known by you youngsters: Eggman, wants to take over the world. He captures creatures and puts them in his robots and giant cages, while sonic tries the free them. Sonic is also capturing the Chaos Emeralds, a source of limitless power. With all in hand you turn into Super Sonic and save the day, though I don't think its required. I apologize as I haven't beaten the game for several years and am a little fuzzy. Honestly I know their is truth to this as a plot but whether it perfectly resembles it or not I'm not sure.

So after nearly 21 years does it still hold up? Well honestly...Yes. Sonic's hit a rough spot over the last few years. Here while not Sonic at his very best I do believe they couldn't have started off the series any better. The game was amazing for its time. While other games like Mario were walking to the right and jumping on mushrooms and turtles. Sonic was speeding across the screen doing loops, flying through the air, cutting through walls and turning into a super hero demi god thingy. If you like classic games or just good games in general this is a must have game.
Written by me duh.
Helped by my friends Guy298 and Tailsfan95