Good shot making an all round Sonic game, but progammers lazy to fix most bugs.

User Rating: 4.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog X360
As you are well aware of, many critics says that Sonic The Hedgehog on 3D is awful and should always stick to 3D. In this case they got this game to be quite appealing and ambitious as they have have evolved great games like sonic adventure and heroes even more. However what was'nt appealing to most people was the amount of bugs placed in this game. I reckon that this game was rushed to fast and if they fixed all the bugs it would of been the best Sonic game of all time and a higher review of 7.0. Normally Sonic games retells the story of a blue hedgehog chasing after his nemesis of a man shaped like an egg. Instead there was a bigger antagonist than Dr. Robotnik and it was Mephiles the Dark. Also in this game, there were 3 playable characters to choose from: Sonic, Shadow and Silver. Some stages you were allowed to play with additional characters that was shown in the story such as Blaze, Rouge, Knuckles etc. Each of the three hedgehogs were at they're strongest at this game and they showcase their abilities really well. Overall this game did a great job of making a more detailed and fun Sonic game. What I was disappointed was the bugs implanted in some of the stages and fields when playing the game.