Laggy cameras,full of glitches,horrible gameplay,disapointing history. Sonic in love with a human? Give me a break.

User Rating: 2.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog PS3
Sega must be crazy to call this game "Sonic The Hedgehog".It's more like " Let's save a princess and talk with a cup of tea about past and future and how it's about a monster that it's created from fire!" Seriously,this game is horrible. I made a mistake about own this game,and I don't want you waste your money like I did. The cameras are HORRIBLE,the load screens take like 3-10 minutes to load (not kidding) and the controls are horrible. This makes the game hard and you will just finish it like in 1 month. Disapointing. Scores...

Gameplay 2/10
The controls are seriously broken,because is horrible for a SONIC game. If you run too much like you did in Sonic 1 on Genesis (and it was better), you can fall of or be hit,and the enemies can hit you from long distance even if you're backwards.

Sounds and Music 5/10
Well,the music was a bit good,but the sounds were disastrous. You better turn the sound off while playing.

Fun 0/10
This game isn't a funny game,it's a frustrating game.

Replay 1/10
When you finish it,you will wish to never played this game anymore.

Evade this game at all cost,because it isn't worth the money. Don't make the same error as me.