An abysmal game that did everything wrong. Avoid at all costs.

User Rating: 1.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog X360
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 is the worst Xbox 360 game I ever played in my life, and maybe even the absolute worst on any platform. This game messed up everything that was good about sonic. It includes everything you could possibly think of as bad in a video game: Awful, cardboard- like landscapes, bad level designs, horrible animation, terrible controls, abysmal mechanics, bad physics, clipping, tons of glitches, and many other things. Its a bundle of steaming crap on a rusty silver platter straight out of a dumpster in the alley. Video games are supposed to be fun, right? You will never find any fun in this game unless you are only planning to glitch the living hell out of it, and even then it's only amusing for about an hour or so. Do not buy this game. Do not give Sega the idea that we want this fixed, or that we want big, ugly hub worlds, or human princesses, or bestiality, or any of the many crappy features of this game. avoid it at all costs, I'm seriously begging you. And please don't listen to the people who defend this game. They're Sonic fanboys who are butthurt that this game was horrible after being hyped up so much and are full of crap. Just stay away, please.