An admittedly good game that just doesn't last long enough.

User Rating: 7.8 | Sonic Rivals PSP
In General:
Sonic Rivals is fun, but unlike other Sonic games the story doesn't keep you coming. Since all the levels are the same and the story mode seems to repeat itself with each character, just each Rival has a different, uninteresting, ending each time. The challenge mode is pointless since you don't much but cards and to trade cards you need to know someone else who owns the game, making cards hard to come by since you don't know what to do for each and challenge mode doesn't help. Also, since there is no special ending for beating the game with all characters or something, it seems pointless to actually beat the game unless you want to unlock a special character.

Gameplay: You have to make quick decisions to survive and if for some reason your Rival is extremely far behind, they can find an impossibly fast way to catch up. The racing is fun but since the only differance between each character is there look and power up the gameplay gets pretty old, and if your impatient, racing for 2 minutes in a level and just barely losing will make you want to throw your PSP across the room, or just turn it off and play tomorrow.

Wait for it to go down to at least 15$ or find it in a bargain bin because this game ends quick, unless your a loyal fan of Sonic just wait. If you think your going to find out something about the new character Silver, there isn't much to reveal. They explain where he's from and why he came here but nothing more.