Sonic Riders only major flaws are the slow learning curve and the shortness of the game.

User Rating: 7 | Sonic Riders PS2
(+) good graphics, good selection of playable characters, power types, speed types, and flying type characters help make the game vary with shortcuts in the tracks, The AI are a challenge not too hard yet sometimes quite easy.

(-) Difficulty story mode at times, not that many tracks in the game

Sonic Riders doesn't have too much of the story basically you either play as Sonic and his friends or the Babylonians and beat the race tracks with certain conditions like sometimes you have to get first place in a race and in others you only have to get 3rd or higher. Some of the tracks near the end of the story mode can be hard enough to were you might have to retry quite a few times to beat it which can be quite annoying.

Other than story mode you can also do laps in time trail, play grand prix mode in multiplayer or single player to get rings to buy better gear or just for fun, there are also missions most of them are not hard but, quite a few of them are very hard to beat which makes this mode quite boring. Battle mode is a mode that you collect items to increase attack, defense etc. and attack the AI or your friend with a dash attack that will by default do one hit point damage but, if you have attack boosted you can do more than that. Battle mode gets old pretty fast it is not even half as fun as the racing.

You can also choose to play a single track of your choice by yourself of with a friend which can be fun for a while because the game isn't too hard. You can actually turn the commentator off in the options mode but, I saw no point in dong it because it did not bother me that much. There are also extras like movies you can unlock as you beat the game which are quite fun to watch but there is only a few movies.

The controls aren't that bad you use the analog stick to run up to the starting line do not run there too early unless you want to get a bad start. You will have to do tricks to keep your air bar up because you will have to run if you run out of air to fuel your machine. You do tricks with the x button while in mid air it gets pretty easy with practice you can also grind using the x button. You can turn on sharp corners using R1 and the left analog stick which is very useful throughout the game. You can also do a dash with the circle button I think it slows the enemy down and they lose their rings. Your dash attack can upgrade as you collect more rings it can level up three times.

The graphics in this game are good just that like my brother I thought the game was wide-screen with the characters because all of them look too skinny not how they usually look on the other games. The tracks all have a different look to them just that some of them are similar to other tracks in the game like two tracks will have the same song. The wind the machines have behind them like a trail called a turbine looks pretty good just like real wind should look if it was visible.

Sonic Riders is a good game it is just a bit short, should of had maybe a few more tracks for the levels, and easier missions would of improved the game a bit but, this game is still worth buying because this game is fun and there aren't many games like this one.