There should have been a warning label on the game that said WARNING: Nostalgia ensued.

User Rating: 9 | Sonic Generations PS3

This is possibly THE MOST nostalgic game I have ever played and ever will play. *For those who don't know, Nostalgia basically means Old memories from the past returned through some any form, that form could be a smell, a sight, a taste, a website, or Sonic Generations. I literally sealed myself off from society for two or three days because I was playing this (It happens like that sometimes) The old stages remastered in 3D, the stages that were already in 3D remastered to a more enhanced view, the music that played through the stages, the enemies that were in the stages, the old looks of three characters. So many of my childhood memories brought back to me on one disc.

First let me talk about the music. Thanks to Sonic Generations I was able to tell what Sonic track was my favorite of all time: Emerald Hill Zone. Emerald Hill Zone is probably the best track Sega has ever come up with for Sonic, as a matter of fact as I review this game I have in headphones with Emerald Hill Zone playing (thank you Youtube) No lie, with every stage I played I often caught myself bobbing my head or rocking in my chair to the beat. I also LOVE how you have to chase music notes in order to receive more music tracks. That was actually a bright idea.

Onto the characters. Sonic and Sonic, of course, were fabulous. I loved the idea of keeping Retro Sonic in a 2D environment that SOMETIMES switched to 3D. As for Modern Day Sonic..... He's just as cool as he has always been. The 3D environments he's placed in are extremely magnificent and I love when he is switched to a 2D stage. As for Tails and Tails I loved looking at the old and the new. Here's what I DIDN'T like about the characters.... Where was Retro Knuckles? Where was Retro Vector and Espio? Where was Retro Amy? Sure enough they had their Modern Day counterparts, but why not their Retros too? Also, I think I would have given this game a 20 out of 10 if you were able to play with Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Vector, Espio, Charmy, AND Blaze instead of just Sonic. I understand it's his game and all, but Sega can share the screen a little. Nonetheless I still love Sonic.

As far as the storyline goes.... If they would have put as much effort into the story like they did for the Gameplay this game would have been the best I ever played hands down. But alas, the story was too short. It had so much potential though, and there was very little dialogue which I wasn't happy with. Don't get me wrong, the story was still good, but it just didn't leave me as satisfied as it could have. Perhaps they should take some time to remake it....

As a matter of fact, they need to make the characters available for downloadable content on PSN and 360 Live. Because I would honestly love to dig in the ground with my man Knuckles, or fly high in the sky with Miles Prower. Maybe I'd even use that Piko Piko hammer with Amy. Either way, these characters need to be available AS WELL AS their Retro counterparts. They can even make a Retro for Rouge and Blaze if they want to, I don't care, I just want more content added on to an already fantastic. Oh, they also need to remake more levels from the older generation games.

One more thing and I will close out.... When I jumped atop of Greenhill Zone and noticed the Sega Genesis sitting there with Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis cartridge sitting inside of it my heart stopped. But as I got close to it and realized it was available to play I fell to the floor. But I was slightly heartbroken when I realized that was the only Genesis game that could be played. So here's what I propose Sega to do.....
1.) Add more characters and Retro characters for gameplay
2.) Add more stages to run through
3.) Edit the story a little bit
4.) Add more Sonic Genesis games to play i.e Sonic the Hedgehog 2 &3 etc.